Children's Ministry


Kids discovery lab (SUnday School)
9:00 - 9:50 A.M. - Sundays

This year our Sunday School experience is taking on a new look as our Kids Discovery Lab! This experience is for children in grades K - 5th and will meet every Sunday through May.

Many of our teachers are, or have been, professional educators and have a passion for working with children.  All persons who work with our children and youth have passed a background check (repeated every 3 years) and completed Safe Sanctuaries training (every 2 years) to reduce the risk of harm.  



The Pray-Ground is an area in the front of our sanctuary specifically set aside for young children (from infants - 5th grade) during worship.  It consists of a floor play mat, soft blocks, several small tables with child-sized chairs, coloring sheets, crayons, sensory activities, and other quiet activities.


Family room

The Family Room is located on the first floor near to our Church Administrator’s office. This space is designed for infants - 3 years of age, who need a quiet, less stimulating, space to be during worship, to go with a parent. Our service is streamed in this space to keep the family connected.


Little Listeners - A Storytime Experience

For Toddlers and other Littles, we have a community storytime Wednesdays @ 10:30am.

A book is read by one of our volunteers, then we have a fun activity and snack time. All are welcome!

Kids note

We send an email just for parents every month. It’s packed with information on our ministry and on how to be a more awesome parent of your kid. Sign up below: