WITS - Women in the Spirit - is a sisterhood of women of all ages, sharing Christian fellowship. Our focus is to serve God, uplift others, reach out to our community, and grow spiritually. WITS hosts mission projects, spiritual retreats and conferences, and offers regular opportunities to connect with one another.

For more information about upcoming activities, contact us at wits@marltonumc.com.

Women in the Spirit

The Men of Marlton United Methodist Church strive to serve the community, build meaningful relationships, study the Word, and worship God. We are a welcoming and relaxed group of men who lead and engage in many different opportunities – weekly book study, conferences, BBQs, and more!


The Senior lunch bunch

The Senior Lunch Bunch meets the third Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm at a local restaurant to share stories, resources and enjoy a time of fellowship over a meal. All are welcome!

Musical groups

Praise Band - We provide worship music for our Sunday morning church service. We practice at 9:00 am every Sunday before church. Let us know if you are interested in participating in our regular worship team or if you play an instrument and would like to prepare something for special music or offering.

Bell Choir - A small group that meets once a week from September through May at 7:00 pm on Wednesday. This ensemble is designed for those who are passionate about sharing music in various ways other than singing. No previous music knowledge is required just come an share your love of music through sacred music.

Choir - A group that meets once a week from September through May at 11:15 am Sunday mornings. This ensemble is designed for those who are passionate about worshiping through vocal music. No previous music knowledge is required to join this group, just a love of singing.