MUMC Community Hub
The Community Hub is a place to connect. To connect with God and with one another. It’s all about learning how Love God and to Love our Neighbor. This former mansion is the perfect place for us to meet and to get to know one another. On the main floor of the Hub you will find three unique spaces, each with a specific purpose.
Worship and
Prayer Room
This is place for small groups to worship together and a place for quiet contemplation and prayer. You can kneel at the foot of the cross, sit with a small group in prayer, or use the prayer stations setup around the room for creative ways to pray.
Conversation Room
This room is setup just as the name describes, to facilitate conversations with one another. Conversations that inform, encourage, challenge, but most importantly connect us with one another.
Creation Room
This space is a multi-purpose room to stand in awe of God’s creation and similarly to remember being made in God’s image as creative creatures. This is a place to create music, art, dance, photography, crafts, and much more.