Wednesday, December 20

John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. 
We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, 
who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

God stepped down from his place in heaven to become a man. He was God wrapped in a human body. I wonder if it felt strange. I wonder what he thought as he experienced humanity from our perspective. What was it like to have a headache? How did it feel to be tired after walking all day? What about being hungry, did it feel strange to have his tummy growl? Any way you look at it, God in a human body was strange yet miraculous. It was a pure act of sacrifice, and ultimately paved a way for our salvation.

Jesus did that for us, how have we responded? I read a quote the other day. It said, “Christian living has become human-powered, not God-centered.” Is this true? Do we live as Christians because somewhere deep inside we know it gives us a superior nature to the lowly non-believers? Do we think, I know what God has done, I believe in God, those who do not are lost, and I am found.

Christ humbled himself for our own good. Maybe we can humble ourselves and bring good news to those who are lost. Maybe. Just maybe.

Pray: You are humble. You WERE humble. Help me to follow your example. Amen