Matthew 26:14 -16
Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
I’ve heard sermons abut how we ought to shake our heads and wag our fingers at Judas for his betrayal. Other sermons I’ve heard on this passage were about us asking, “How do I betray Jesus?”
Both of these are valid lessons in their time and setting, but today I want to hear something new. What lesson can we glean from the story of Judas’ betrayal?
The 30 pieces of silver bare a great deal of significance in the agreement Judas made with the chief priests. 30 pieces of silver was the price for a slave.
Judas went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” The price the quoted was that of a slave, a slave!
This payment and subsequent betrayal began a terrible episode of degrading acts. Jesus was spit upon like a slave, beaten like a slave, mocked like a slave, and otherwise abused like a slave of a tyrant..
Today, we understand that nobody EVER should be forced into slavery or treated the way Jesus was treated, but in that time, in that place, Jesus was treated as those in forced servitude were treated. In fact, Jesus was subjected to more than any servant would hav endured.
So there we have it - our Lord cast aside and treated in the most horrific manner, all for the price of a slave.
As I reflect on this I come to the realization that I too, have traded Jesus for pittance. Easter eggs, chocolate, fluffy bunnies, and baskets - all trinkets put ahead of our savior.
Today I find myself more than willing to forgo all of the usual Easter falderal. The thirty pieces of silver are not what I seek today. Today, I want the strength to desire only Jesus, my Lord and my Savior.
Pray: Lord, keep me on track. Let me not be greedy for silver, baskets, chocolate, or even a ham dinner. Instead give me the strength and wisdom to seek you and you only. Amen.