Lent is a time for self-reflection and preparation for sorrow of Good Friday and the Hallelujah of Easter Morning!
Youth Sunday - Babel On
Three Simple Rules
Draw the Circle Wide
Epiphany Sunday
Advent Series: Wonderful Counselor
Fall Series
Guest Preacher, Tom Miller to preach October 20
Go and Tell
Easter Sunday
Lenten Series - Spiritual Disciplines
What are spiritual disciplines and why would I want to add discipline to my life? Similar to an athlete or a musician, we begin to develop spiritual “muscles” that help to put us in the presence of God. They can change our perspective, free up our minds, and help us to hunger for God. It’s not about tedium, but rather intentionality and focus.
Micah 6:8
Winter Series
Circle of Light (Advent Series)
November Series
Remember. This time of year is a time to remember the saints, known and unknown, who have passed. We also remember to honor all of the veterans who have kept us and to continue to keep us safe. We remember to give thanks to God for the bountiful blessings in our lives. Finally, we remember and acknowledge Christ is King, our shepherd is the king of the universe.