Guest Preacher, Tom Miller to preach October 20

Rev. Tom Miller graduated with an M.Div. from Drew seminary in 1994. He has served four New Jersey UMC congregations (in Groveville, Lumberton, Shamong and Bordentown) since his ordination that same year. His twenty eight years of service as a local pastor has included multiple "extension" ministries (beyond the local church), including: prison chaplain's assistant; live and recorded performances of his original Christian songs; Christian radio broadcasts; homeless relief (as a board member of Burlington County Citizens Serving the Homeless); leading worship in nursing homes; serving as a clergy team member on many spiritual retreat weekends (Walk To Emmaus for adults, Kairos for inmates and Chrysalis for teens). Rev. Miller retired in July of this year. He lives in Hamilton, NJ with his wife of forty five years, Carol. They are blessed with two children and seven grandchildren.

Rev. Tom Miller

Rev. Tom Miller